Organic Lettuce ‘Lollo Rossa’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo          Lactuca Sativa – 0.25g – Approx 200 Seeds        

Lollo Rossa is a classic Italian heirloom which is well known for its tight ruffled leaves which are green in the centre and turn crimson red around the edges. 

It is a cut and come again variety with a crisp, tender texture and a sweet nutty flavour. 

Lollo Rossa is resistant to extreme temperatures 

Sow the seeds undercover in late winter/early spring. Can also be direct sown in late spring/early summer or late summer/early autumn. Early and late sowings will need protection. Thins seedlings when large enough to handle. Sow in succession for a continuous supply.

Seed Story

Lettuce was first cultivated in Ancient Egypt where they used to extract oil from the seeds.

It was also considered to be a sacred plant of the reproduction god; Min

The Ancient Greeks learned from the Egyptians how to grow lettuce and often served it as a salad at the beginning of meals to help with digestion.