Organic Radish ‘French Breakfast’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo          Raphanus Sativus – 3.33g – Approx 250 Seeds        

Radish French Breakfast is an heirloom from 1879 and quickly became a popular radish on the markets of Paris.

It is oblong not round and has a mild peppery flavour.

Whilst traditionally a spring variety it can actually be grown all year round. 

The name came about because the french marketers were known to snack on them with butter and salt mid morning whilst selling their produce!

The seeds should be direct sown from spring to early autumn. The radishes can be ready to harvest in as little as three weeks in the right conditions. The seeds should be sown successionally for a continuous harvest.

Seed Story

Radishes originated in China and gradually spread west.

They were cultivated in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs. The ancient greeks offered small gold replicas of radishes to their God Apollo.

Radishes made their first appearance in Germany in 13th century but did not appear in England until the mid 1500s.

The word Radish comes from the latin word Radix which means root.

To improve the storage time the radish greens should be cut off as they break down faster than the root. The radish greens can also be eaten.

The hot flavour of a radish develops over time but is actually found in the skins so much of the flavour is lost if you peel them.

Radishes suffer from very few pests and diseases and are super quick to grow and harvest!

They make great companion plants as they draw flea beetles and aphids away from other vegetables.