Organic Pepper ‘Xaro’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo           Capsicum Annuum – 5 seeds        

Xaro is an open pollinated, sweet red pepper which can grow to around 20cm long!

Pointed peppers like this tend to be sweeter than bell peppers and their thinner skin means they cook more evenly.

Xaro produces strong, productive plants and is a variety we have never seen in a garden center!

The pepper seeds should be sown in trays or modules from Jan – Apr at 18-21C. Pot on when seedlings are large enough to handle and continue to pot on as they grow. Plant out in late spring/early summer. For best yields grow in a greenhouse.

Seed Story

Peppers were brought back to Europe  in 1400’s from Mexico and South America by Christopher Columbus who was searching for black pepper plants. They quickly spread throughout Europe and to Asian Countries.

The term bell pepper and sweet pepper are often used interchangeably despite not all sweet peppers being bell shaped.

The bell pepper is the only member of the Capsicum family that does not produce Capsaicin.

It was not popular initially, with the hotter varieties taking preference.