Organic Celery ‘Tall Utah’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo          Apium Graveolens  – 0.07g – Approx 200 Seeds        

Celery ‘Tall Utah’ is an American favourite! It has crunchy, deep green stems and is stringless!

It has good disease tolerance, is high yielding and doesn’t need earthing up

The seeds can be surface sown in trays or modules in February with heat or sow without heat from mid spring. Pot on when the seedlings are large enough to handle. Plant out 30cm apart in late spring/early summer when the plants are around 10cm tall. Celery enjoys shade/semi shade and needs lots of water.

Seed Story

The history of celery dates back to ancient times. Celery leaves were found in the garlands in the tomb of Tutankhamun and there are references in ancient Greece of horses grazing on wild celery in Troy and Odyssey.

Depending on the cultivar you will eat either the stalks (like our ‘Tall Uath’), the leaves (celery leaf), or the bulbous root (celeriac). Celery seeds can also be ground into a powder and used as a spice.

Celery is part of the holy trinity of celery, peppers and onions in Louisiana creole and cajun cuisine

The name celery has come about as celery has become part of our cuisine and comes from the French céleri

In the 19th century celery actually cost more than caviar!