Organic Sprouting Seed ‘Mung Bean’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo     Vigna Radiata – 50g

The humble mung bean. An ancient superfood that can be ready to eat in 5 days! How cool is that?!

You may have heard of the mung bean before – we often call them beansprouts in the UK. They feature in many Chinese meals and no Vietnamese Pho would be complete without this crisp and crunchy addition!

Mung beans have been cultivated for well over 4000 years and we can see why – they are super quick to sprout and they are absolutely packed with vitamins and minerals. They are also a really good source of plant protein.

So, what are you waiting for?! Let’s get sprouting!


Sowing Instructions:

Soak the seeds in a jar for around 12 hours. Remove any seeds that float to the surface. Thoroughly drain the water.

Cover the jar with muslin/cheesecloth to allow air to circulate. Place the jar in a dark corner.

Rinse and drain the seeds at least twice a day.

The sprouts are ready to eat when they are around 1cm long – this usually takes 2-4 days. For inch long sprouts it will take around 4-6 days. Give them a final rinse and drain. Enjoy them immediately or store them in the fridge in a lidded container. They should stay fresh for a couple of days. Removing the hulls is optional.