Organic Chives ‘Nelly’


Availability: Only 9 left in stock

Soil Association Organic Logo          Allium Schoenoprasum – 1.06g – Approx 850 Seeds          

Perennial Herb

Height: 30cm

Position: Prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade

Chives are part of the allium family and have a mild, onion like taste – both the leaves and the flowers are edible.

The flowers can be used in salads or we enjoy using them to make a chive blossom vinegar which is lovely on some roasted potatoes or as a salad dressing just make sure to leave some flowers for the bees to enjoy!

The seeds should be multi sown in trays or modules from late winter and can be planted out when the plants are around 8cm tall. Alternatively they can be direct sown during spring and summer. The plants should be spaced to around 15cm apart and can be divided when they get too big.

Seed Story

Chives have been cultivated in China since the 5th Century but were not used in Europe until 16th Century.

They are found wild in Europe, Australia and North America.

The Romans used chives to relieve sunburn and to treat sore throats.

Chive leaves stimulate appetite and promote digestion

If you plant chives near roses they can prevent black spot.