Organic Beetroot ‘Bulls Blood’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo       Beta Vulgaris – 3.2g – Approx 200 Seeds        

Bulls blood is a rare heirloom beetroot from the Netherlands which was developed in 1840. It was developed from a French heirloom called Crapaudine which is believed to be the oldest variety of the beet family.

Bulls blood was originally developed for its deep red-purple leaves which are popular in salads as a baby leaf with exceptional flavour.

Its root is a dark red and similar to a chioggia with dark red rings

The root should be harvested when no bigger than a golf ball or they become too woody. 

It is recommended to sow a row for the leaves and a row for the roots to get the maximum enjoyment from this superb variety!

The seeds should be sown in modules in the spring and planted out when large enough approximately 10cm apart. Sow successionally until mid summer.

Seed Story

Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans first domesticated the beetroot and grew it for its greens. It is believed that the Romans were the first to cultivate it for its root however this was used for medical treatments for digestive or blood issues. 

Hippocrates used to dress wounds with beetroot leaves. 

The original beetroots looked more like a carrot or parsnip and were usually white or even black. The first mention of a red beetroot was in Northern Italy in the 17th Century. The round root we know today did not appear in England until the 16th and 17th centuries. They were introduced to the US by European immigrants.

Beets can be eaten raw and grated into salads, boiled, roasted, pickled or eaten cold after cooking.