Organic Lovage


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo          Levisticum Officinale – 0.33g – Approx 100 Seeds      


Height: up to 2m!

Position: Full sun or partial shade

Lovage is part of the celery and parsley family but tastes most similar to celery so it can be used as an effective substitute.

Its young leaves can be used like spinach and should be harvested regularly to promote new growth.

Lovage seeds should be sown indoors in trays or modules from mid winter. Pot on when the seedlings are large enough to handle and plant out well rooted plants from late spring to early summer. The plants should be spaced 60cm apart. Alternatively direct sow the seeds in spring to early summer or in the autumn.

Seed Story

Lovage is native to Western Asia, the Mediterranean and parts of the middle east.

The Greeks and Romans used to chew the seed to relieve digestion and gas.

Lovage is also useful as a diuretic and the roots can be used in salves to soothe skin problems

Lovage has also been known as ‘Love Parsley’ and folklore has it that it was used in love spells and brides used to put lovage in their hair or attach it to their wedding dress.

It has also been used to protect against bad spirits.