Organic Chinese Mustard ‘Green in Snow’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo          Brassica Juncea – 0.89g – Approx 400 seeds        

Green in snow is a type of leaf mustard with hot and spicy leaves. 

Chinese mustard plants are quick to produce leaves and are fast becoming a ‘must grow’ for winter salad leaves due to their tolerance to colder temperatures.

Seeds should be direct sown in spring or sown undercover in late summer/early autumn. Avoid mid summer sowings as plants may bolt during hot weather. Harvest the leaves regularly.

Seed Story

Mustard greens have been consumed for over 5000 years and are native to Himalayan regions of India.

Chinese Mustard produces brown mustard seeds which are the most popular in Chinese and African cuisines

The Chinese use brown mustard for flavour and also as an alternative to turmeric

In the western world Chinese Mustard is grown for the hot and spicy leaves which are best eaten fresh in a salad when young or cooked in a stir fry as they get larger and more flavourful.