Sustainable seeds

Here at The Heritage Organic Seed Company sustainability is at the heart of what we do and it is so important to us to offer our products in eco friendly, plastic free packaging.

Our seeds are lovingly hand packed in manilla seed envelopes which, along with our mailing envelopes are made from recycled materials and can be recycled or composted after use.

You may find some of your seed packets also contain glassine envelopes, we use those for our tiniest seeds to help you to handle them more easily but these are also completely biodegradable.

Heirloom and heritage seeds are the most sustainable types of seed. The seeds produced from the plants you grow from our seeds can be saved for use year after year, will be true to type and will adapt over time to your local conditions and soil type.

We only select seeds that have been grown organically. Growing organically means the soil is better taken care of and there are no dangerous chemicals applied which could harm plant and soil life. We believe that in order to grow healthy crops you need to maintain and improve soil health and a living, healthy soil is full of beneficial nutrients which will help to produce healthier, more nutrient dense crops.