Organic Parsnip ‘Tender and True’


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Soil Association Organic Logo         Pastinaca Sativa – 2.5g – Approx 500 seeds      

Tender and True is an heirloom variety that was introduced in 1897.

It is a long rooted parsnip which is tasty and high yielding and has good resistance to canker.

Parsnips are high in vitamins and antioxidants.

Direct sow in spring when the soil has warmed up. Cover with a thin layer of soil.

Parsley seeds are notoriously difficult to germinate and are often sown with radish seeds as radish seeds germinate quickly and help identify the location of the parsnips! Sow more than you need!

We have the most success germinating between two damp pieces of kitchen roll and then planting in soil when the seeds have sprouted.

Seed Story

Parsnips are native to Europe and Asia and have been around since ancient times but historians struggle to differentiate between parsnips and carrots – carrots were usually yellow!

In Roman times they were often used as a sweetener for cakes and jams before the mainstream introduction of sugar beet and sugar cane

The Romans also believed parsnips to be an aphrodisiac.

In the UK, no Christmas dinner would be complete without the aromatic taste of parsnips but did you know that in modern Italy parsnips are actually used to feed the pigs that are bred for Parma Ham?!