Organic Chinese Cabbage ‘Granaat’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo          Brassica Pekinensis – 0.22g – Approx 100 Seeds      

Oriental cabbages and salad leaves are perfect for extending the salad season into the cooler temperatures of Autumn and this chinese cabbage is no exception!

Maturing in 7-8 weeks this variety produces large, slim green heads but it can also be harvested earlier for baby leaves. It’s mild flavour makes it super versatile and it is often used in salads, stir frys and even fermenting

The seeds should be direct sown in July and August. This variety prefers a shady location. The mature heads should be harvested in autumn before the first frosts or can be harvested earlier as a cut and come again salad.

Seed story

Whilst it is commonly known worldwide as ‘Chinese Cabbage’, brassica pekinensis is actually called Napa Cabbage. Australians often call it ‘wombok’.

The cultivation of Napa cabbage dates back to 15th century in the Yangtze River area of China and is a staple in suan cai which is a Chinese sauerkraut. It soon spread to Japan and Korea where it is often used in Korean Kimchi.

It has been grown throughout Europe since 20th Century.

It is thought that Napa cabbage came about due to a natural hybridization between turnip and pak choi.