Organic Broad Bean ‘Hangdown Green’


Availability: In stock

Soil Association Organic Logo          Vicia Faba – 35 Seeds        

Broad bean ‘Hangdown’ Green is a maincrop variety from the 1800’s.

It produces green seeds in long pods and has a truly exceptional flavour.

Broad bean seeds should be sown under cover in pots or large modules in late winter and planted out in the spring. Alternatively you can direct sow in the spring in double rows that are approximately 30cm apart. The plants will need supports as they grow.

Seed Story

The humble broad bean is also known as a fava bean in the United States and Italy. Once upon a time they were even used for voting in The Netherlands!

The Romans believed that the broad bean contained the souls of their ancestors and in Italy, broad beans are traditionally sown on November 2nd; All Souls Day.

The great Philosopher, Pythagoras forbade his followers from eating broad beans as they were a symbol of death.

In folklore the velvety insides of the pods were used as a remedy for worts!

Today, broad beans are the primary ingredient of Egyptian Falafel (as opposed to the chickpea version that we are so familiar with!). In Finland, broad beans are used in a meat alternative called Harkis and it is being explored as a meat substitute in other countries looking for plant based meat alternatives.

It is said that broad beans are lucky and that if you carry one on you then you will never be without the essentials of life!