Hello November!

The darker nights have arrived and many will be putting their gardens to sleep for the winter.

While it is definitely a slower time of year in the garden it is a great time to start prepping for next year, get some of those niggly jobs done and an even better time to grow some ‘get ahead’ items.

This month is garlic month – we have been eagerly awaiting it’s arrival since July when we started planning the box and so excited to hear what you think of the November box. The best bit is that garlic could not be easier to grow!

Garlic is such an under-rated vegetable. It forms the basis of so many of our meals but how much do we actually sit back and appreciate it in its own right?

We have some truly delicious varieties for you of varying strengths to help you identify and appreciate the different flavours.

Garlic connoisseurs incoming!

what's in the box?

Garlic ‘Germidour’

Garlic ‘Thermidrome’

Garlic ‘Printanor’

All of the garlic can be sown now!

We have included some FSC Certified lolly pop sticks for you to use as plant labels. These are fully biodegradable.

There is even a Pukka Organic tea bag so that you can make yourself a nice cup of tea and enjoy some planting time!





Live Unboxing!

Garlic sow-a-long